SOUNDWILL HOLD<0878>-Announcement & Resumption of Trading

The Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited takes no responsibility 
for the contents of this announcement, makes no representation 
as to its accuracy or completeness and expressly disclaims any 
liability whatsoever for any loss howsoever arising from or in 
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(Incorporated in Bermuda with limited liability)


On 9 March 2000, Soundwill Technology, a wholly owned subsidiary 
of the Company, agreed with Vision to subscribe for 200,000 new 
shares, representing 20% of the enlarged issued share capital, 
of Vision at a total consideration of HK$82,113,500. Vision is 
currently 100% beneficially owned by Mrs. Chan. The principal 
asset of Vision will be a 70% interest in Optilink which is 
principally engaged in the design, manufacturing and sale of 
dense wavelength division multiplexing systems in the PRC. On 
the same day, Mrs. Chan agreed with the placing agent to place, 
on an underwritten basis, 135,000,000 existing Shares at the 
placing price of HK$0.63 per Share. On the same day, Mrs. Chan 
also agreed with the Company to subscribe for 135,000,000 new 
Shares at the subscription price of HK$0.63 per Share.

The Subscriptions constitute connected transactions for the 
Company under the Listing Rules and therefore require 
independent shareholders' approval at a special general meeting 
to be convened at which Mrs. Chan and her associates, being the 
connected persons, will have to abstain from voting.

At the request of the Company, trading in its shares and warrants 
on the Stock Exchange was suspended with effect from 10:57 a.m. 
on 9 March 2000 pending release of this announcement. 
Application has been made to the Stock Exchange for trading in 
the shares and warrants of the Company on the Stock Exchange to 
resume trading at 10:00 a.m. on 13 March 2000.



1.      Soundwill Technology as subscriber;

2.      the Company as guarantor for the obligation of Soundwill 
        Technology under the agreement;

3.      Vision as the company in which shares to be subscribed for 
        by Soundwill Technology; and

4.      Mrs. Chan as warrantor for obligations of Vision under the 

Connected Transaction

Soundwill Technology agreed with Vision to subscribe for 200,000 
shares, representing 20 % of the enlarged issued share capital, 
of Vision at a total consideration of HK$82,113,500. Vision is 
currently 100% beneficially owned by Mrs. Chan who and her 
associates own 1,278,880,000 Shares representing approximately 
54.34% of the existing issued share capital of the Company. Under 
the Listing Rules, the Vision Subscription constitutes a 
connected transaction for the Company and requires independent 
shareholders' approval at a special general meeting to be 
convened (the "SGM") at which Mrs. Chan and her associates, being 
the connected persons, will have to abstain from voting.

Subscription Price

The total subscription price for the Vision Subscription is 
HK$82,113,500 representing a discount of approximately 27.3% to 
14% (being the effective interest of Soundwill Technology in 
Optilink) of a valuation of approximately HK$806,600,000 on 100% 
interest in Optilink prepared by an independent valuer, 
Sallmanns (Far East) Limited. The total subscription price will 
be financed by the subscription monies received from the 
Soundwill Subscription.


Completion of the Vision Subscription is conditional upon, inter alia:

1.      the approval of the Vision Subscription by 
shareholders of the Company other than Mrs. Chan and 
her associates in the SGM;

2.      if required, all necessary consents and 
approvals have been obtained by each of the parties 
for the entry into and performance of the Vision 
Subscription Agreement;

3.      receipt by Soundwill Technology to its absolute 
satisfaction of a PRC legal opinion confirming that 
all PRC laws and regulations and other relevant 
requirements and/or approvals in connection with the 
transaction contemplated under the Vision 
Subscription Agreement and/or the coporate 
structure or establishment of Optilink have been 
complied with or obtained; 

4.      completion of the Soundwill Subscription; and

5.      completion of the reorganisation of the Vision 
group structure to the reasonable satisfaction of 
the subscriber.

In the event that the above conditions are not 
fulfilled and/or waived by Soundwill Technology on 
or before 30 April 2000 (or such other date as the 
parties may agree), all rights and obligations under 
the Vision Subscription Agreement will lapse.

Information about Vision

Vision was incorporated in the British Virgin 
Islands in February 2000. After a group 
reorganisation before completion of the Vision 
Subscription, the principal asset of Vision will be 
a 70% interest in Optilink which is principally 
engaged in the design, manufacturing and sale of 
dense wavelength division multiplexing ("DWDM") 
systems in the PRC and has a production base in 
Shenzhen. DWDM system is deployed in optical fibre 
networks to increase the capability of the networks. 
The other 30% interest of Optilink is owned by Peking 
University. Optilink was established in September 
1996 and installed the first DWDM system in the PRC 
from Shenzhen to Guangzhou in the PRC in 1997.The 
proforma loss of Vision and Optilink for the two 
years ended 31 December 1998 and 1999 are 
approximately HK$935,000 and HK$2,067,000 
respectively. The proforma net asset value of Vision 
and Optilink as at 31 December 1999 is a net 
deficiency of approximately HK$2,718,000.



1.      Mrs. Chan as the seller and subscriber;

2.      Prudential as the placing agent to place the 
        Shares on an underwritten basis subject to certain 
        force majeure clauses; and

3.      the Company

Number of Placing Shares

135,000,000 existing Shares, representing 
approximately 5.74% of the 2,353,532,568 existing 
issued shares of the Company.

Placing Price

HK$0.63 per Placing Share, which is negotiated on an 
arm's length basis, represents a discount of 
approximately 7.35 % to the closing price of HK$0.68 
per Share as quoted on the Stock Exchange at 10:57 
a.m. on 9 March 2000 prior to the suspension of 
trading of the Shares and a premium of approximately 
8.62% to the average closing price of approximately 
HK$0.58 per Share as quoted on the Stock Exchange for 
the last ten trading days up to and including 9 March 2000.

Rights of the Placing Shares

The Placing Shares rank pari passu in all respects 
with the existing Shares in issue.

Independence of Placees and Placing Agent

The placing agent, which is independent of and not 
connected with the directors, chief executive and 
substantial shareholders of the Company or any of its 
subsidiaries or any of their respective associates, 
has agreed to use its reasonable endeavors to procure 
that the placees, which are more than six in numbers, 
are independent of, and not connected with, and not 
acting in concert with the directors, chief 
executive and substantial shareholders of the 
Company or any of its subsidiaries or any of their 
respective associates.

Number of new Shares to be subscribed for by Mrs. Chan 
through her wholly owned company, KBL

135,000,000 new Shares representing approximately 
5.74% of the existing issued share capital of the 
Company and approximately 5.42% of the issued share 
capital as enlarged by the Soundwill Subscription.

Subscription price

HK$0.63 per new Share less expenses of approximately 
HK$2,850,000 associated with the Placing which will 
be reimbursed by the Company.

Rights of the new Shares

The new Shares will rank pari passu in all respects 
among themselves and with the existing Shares in 
issue on the date of allotment and issue of the new 

Conditions for completion of the Placing and the 
Soundwill Subscription

Completion of the Placing and the Soundwill 
Subscription is conditional upon, inter alia:

(1)     the Listing Committee of the Stock Exchange 
granting listing of, and permission to deal in, all 
of the new Shares to be subscribed by Mrs. Chan 
through her wholly owned company;

(2)     if required by the Stock Exchange, the approval 
of the Placing and Subscription Agreement and the 
transactions contemplated thereunder by the 
shareholders of the Company other than Mrs. Chan and 
her associates at the SGM;

(3)     the approval of the Subscriptions by the 
shareholders of the Company other than Mrs. Chan and 
her associates at the SGM;

(4)     if required, the Company securing all relevant 
regulatory approval in relation to the Vision 

(5)     in the case of the Soundwill Subscription, 
completion of the Placing in accordance with the 
provisions of the Placing and Subscription 

In the event that the above conditions are not 
satisfied on or before 30 April 2000 or such later 
date as may be agreed between the parties, the 
obligations under the Placing and Subscription 
Agreement will cease and terminate.


The Group is principally engaged in property 
development and investment in Hong Kong. The 
directors consider that the Vision Subscription 
allows the Group to diversify into other business and 
its source of revenue. It is the intention of the 
Company to hold the shares in Vision as a long term 
investment. The directors, including independent 
non-executive directors, of the Company consider 
that the Placing and the Subscriptions and their 
respective terms to be in the best interests and to 
the benefit of the Company and its shareholders as a whole.

An independent financial advisor will be appointed 
to advise the independent board which will advise the 
the shareholders on the terms of the Subscriptions. 
A circular setting out, inter alia, the particulars 
of the Subscriptions, advice from the independent 
financial advisor, valuation report prepared by 
Sallmanns (Far East) Limited and notice of the SGM 
will be sent to the shareholders as soon as possible.

Use of proceeds

The aggregate net cash proceeds from the Soundwill 
Subscription will be approximately HK$82,200,000 of 
which not less than HK$80,000,000 will be used by the 
Company to subscribe for 200,000 shares in Vision.

Shareholding of Mrs Chan and her associates and other 
substantial shareholders before and after the 
Placing and Soundwill Subscription

Before the Placing and Soundwill Subscription take 
place, Mrs Chan, through KBL, own 1,278,880,000 
Shares, representing approximately 54.34% of the 
existing issued share capital of the Company. After 
the Placing but before Soundwill Subscription takes 
place, Mrs Chan, through KBL, own 1,143,880,000 
Shares, representing approximately 48.60% of the 
then issued share capital of the Company. After the 
Placing and Soundwill Subscription, Mrs Chan, 
through KBL, will own 1,278,880,000 Shares, 
representing approximately 51.39% of the then issued 
share capital of the Company as enlarged by the 
Soundwill Subscription.

Before the Placing and Soundwill Subscription take 
place, China Ocean Shipping (Group) Company 
("COSCO"), through its subsidiaries, owns 
approximately 13.02% of the existing issued share 
capital of the Company. After the Placing and 
Soundwill Subscription take place, COSCO, through 
its subsidiaries, owns approximately 12.32% of the 
then enlarged issued share capital of the Company.

Application for listing

Application will be made to the Stock Exchange for 
the listing of, and permission to deal in, the 
135,000,000 new Shares.

Resumption of trading

At the request of the Company, trading in its shares 
and warrants on the Stock Exchange was suspended with 
effect from 10:57 a.m. on 9 March 2000 pending 
release of this announcement. Application has been 
made to the Stock Exchange for trading in the shares 
and warrants of the Company on the Stock Exchange to 
resume trading at 10:00 a.m. on 13 March 2000.


The following definitions apply throughout this 
announcement unless the context requires otherwise:

"associates"    as defined in the Listing Rules

"Company"       Soundwill Holdings Limited, the shares 
                of which are listed on the Stock Exchange

"Group"         the Company and its subsidiaries

"KBL"           Ko Bee Limited, a company wholly owned by Mrs. 
                Chan and holding 1,278,880,000 Shares representing 
                approximately 54.34% of the existing issued share 
                capital of the Company

"Listing Rules" Rules governing the listing of 
                securities on the Stock Exchange

"Mrs. Chan"     Foo Kam Chu, Grace, the chairman and 
                controlling shareholder of the Company.

"Optilink"      Optilink Technologies Company Limited, 
                a sino-foreign equity joint venture enterprise 
                established in the PRC

"Placing"       the placing of 135,000,000 existing 
                Shares by Mrs. Chan through KBL pursuant to the 
                Placing and Subscription Agreement

"Placing and    placing and subscription agreement 
  Subscription  entered into between Mrs. Chan,
  Agreement"    Prudential and the Company dated 10 
                March 2000 (which takes
                effect from 9 March 2000)

"Placing Shares"  135,000,000 existing Shares to 
                be placed pursuant to the Placing and Subscription 

"PRC"           the People's Republic of China

"Prudential"    Prudential-Bache Securities (Hong Kong) Limited.

"Shares"        shares of HK$0.10 each in the capital of the Company

"Soundwill      the subscription for 135,000,000 new 
  Subscription" Shares by Mrs. Chan through
                KBL pursuant to the Placing and 
                Subscription Agreement

"Soundwill      Soundwill Technology Company Limited, 
  Technology"   an indirect wholly owned
                subsidiary of the Company

"Stock Exchange"  The Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited

"Subscriptions" Soundwill Subscription and Vision Subscription

"Vision"        Vision Telecommunications Holdings 
                Limited, a limited company incorporated in the 
                British Virgin Islands

"Vision Subscription"   the subscription for 
                200,000 shares of US$1.00 each in the capital of 
                Vision pursuant to the Vision Subscription Agreement

"Vision Subscription    subscription agreement entered into between the 
  Agreement"            Company, Soundwill Technology and Vision to 
                        subscribe for 200,000 shares, representing 20 % of 
                        the enlarged issued share capital, of Vision for 
                        HK$82,113,500 dated 10 March 2000 (which takes 
                        effect from 9 March 2000).

By order of the Board
Yip Kwai Cheung
Executive Director

Hong Kong, 11 March 2000